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Lisboa, Portugal

Chapter 10


Llega nuestro capítulo 10 y en él las ganas de homenajear Lisboa, mi casa, esa ciudad que me abrazó llena de colores e historia.

Pase muchas horas sentada en tus ruas contemplándote, mirando la gente que se deslumbra y yo junto con ellos. A veces me pregunto que tenés Lisboa que te hace tan mágica, tan única.

Esa nostalgia bonita que recorre cada rincón, la energía del agua acariciando tus costas, los colores que vibran y te recubren.

Caminar mirando el cielo para ver tu arquitectura, tus azulejos que decoran el alma , tus lugarcitos de magia para vivir momentos, tu música, tu tradición. Saudade, esa palabra que me enseñaste, entendiendo que se puede extrañar con amor porque fue lindo lo que se vivió.

Como no inspirarme en vos y en tus ruas, la ciudad más hermosa y nostálgica que me regaló la vida, hoy mi casa.

Lisboa no se mira, se contempla

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We have reached chapter 10, and with it comes the desire to pay tribute to Lisbon, my home, this city that welcomed me, full of colors and history.
I have spent many hours sitting on your streets, contemplating you, observing the people who are mesmerized by you, and I, along with them. Sometimes I ask myself, what is it that you have, Lisbon, that makes you so magical, so unique?
That beautiful nostalgia that runs through every corner, the energy of the Tagus caressing your shores, the vibrant colors that wrap around you, walking with my head held high to admire your architecture, your tiles that decorate the soul, your magical nooks where moments are lived, your music, your tradition.
Saudade, that word you taught me, understanding that you can miss something with love because what was lived was beautiful.
How could I not be inspired by you and your streets, the most beautiful and nostalgic city life has given me, today my home.
Lisbon is not looked at, it is contemplated.


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